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Astrology Layout


The Astrology layout yields insight into aspects of the current state of your life, reading into the planets' influence on your psyche.

As usual, this reading begins with the significator and ends with the outcome. Between the ends we analyse dominoes which stand for the planetary influences, one by one. The Moon domino represents the influence of the home. Mercury shows the side of the intellect regarding one's interpersonal skills. Of course, Venus is the planet of love, and Mars is the planet of war. These two also represent the female and male energies respectively. The final two planets both relate to Mercury. Jupiter shows the financial side of business, regarding personal gains. Saturn represents the purely intellectual aspects of a person's life, or personal thoughts.

Layout Positions

  1. Your overall self (significator)
  2. The Moon - home
  3. Mercury - skills, business, and integrity
  4. Venus - love
  5. Mars - opposition and hostility
  6. Jupiter - finance and acquisition
  7. Saturn - intellect
  8. Outcome




Astrology Layout







Your Astrology Reading

Matters Concerning Hostility, Opposition and Aggression (The Domino of Mars)

Matters Concerning Business, Skills and Integrity (The Domino of Mercury)

Matters Concerning Love (The Domino of Venus)


Matters Concerning Your Home (The Domino of the Moon)

Matters of Finance, Acquisition and Wealth (The Domino of Jupiter)


The Outcome

Matters of the Intellect (The Domino of Saturn)


Your Overall Self





Your Overall Self



You are entering into a state of tremendous clarity. You will discover that you or they were wrong about everything! This deeper awareness may seem a little crazy, but only to your former, less aware self. Do not worry about those who have not awakened. We all must bloom at our own times. Have faith that they will handle everything perfectly on their own.




Matters Concerning Your Home (The Domino of the Moon)



Passion can be a weakness, but it can also be a source of great strength. Do not hold back your emotions. They will drive you to great things on your life's path. As always, remember to be kind to others as much as you value yourself.




Matters Concerning Business, Skills and Integrity (The Domino of Mercury)



This tile suggests considering setting some time and energy aside in pursuit of spiritual development. A rebirth can effectively reboot the mind-soul connection. The value of such pursuits cannot be understated.




Matters Concerning Love (The Domino of Venus)



This tile suggests thinking about making some kind of sacrifice for the sake of family. It also suggests building upon the family, strengthening it as a group in some way. Have you or someone close been thinking about having children?








Matters Concerning Hostility, Opposition and Aggression (The Domino of Mars)



This tile suggests to be open to change. New possibilities will be available depending upon where you direct your attention. New people will be walking into your life, and new unions will be possible.




Matters of Finance, Acquisition and Wealth (The Domino of Jupiter)



This tile suggests that meditation would be particularly beneficial at this time. A completely new understanding of reality awaits, if you are brave enough to face it.




Matters of the Intellect (The Domino of Saturn)



Your troubles will soon wane. You will know true peace and harmony on both the spiritual and physical plane. Happiness and satisfaction will be yours.




The Outcome



This tile is about sharing. You may meet or know someone who could benefit from your experience. This does not suggest offering unsolicited advice, but simply being willing to share. Your knowledge could be a lifesaver for someone even if you have no idea it could be.