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Achievement Layout


Use this reading to assist in reaching, or possibly defining your goals. This reading explores your strengths and weaknesses, suggesting areas in which you will have to make some effort to ensure you reach your goals.

Layout Positions

  1. Your goal
  2. Primary strength
  3. Issues to address
  4. Primary weakness
  5. Issues to address
  6. Outcome




Achievement Layout







Your Achievement Reading


Wan 3
Issues to Address

Wan 8
Your Goal

Wan 4
Issues to Address

North Wind
Your Strengths

Circles 6
Your Weaknesses

Wan 5




Wan 4

The Lute suggests that it would be a great time to take a vacation. Relaxation and a temporary disconnection from the duties of everyday life would be especially beneficial at this time. If you can't get away too long, at least take a break and meditate. The clarity will surprise you.




Circles 6

The Peach stands for feminine beauty, extravagance, and unfortunately indolence. It means femininity in general, and more specifically suggests that a particular woman is a factor in this reading.




Wan 8

The Knot tile stands for both tying and setting loose. If this tile appears in the reading with the Sword tile (2 Wan), it suggests that the time to sever your connection to someone or something has arrived. However, if the Duck tile (2 Bamboo) is in this reading, this indicates the strengthening of an existing bond.








Wan 5

The House stands not for the family, but for the place of dwelling itself, its architecture and character. Depending upon your past, the house can represent a place of love and shelter or a place of confinement and torment.




North Wind

The North Wind tile warns that you may hit a rough patch in your journey. Be watchful and you can navigate this bump in the road without losing much. If the South Wind is also present, this tile will be nullified.

Black, winter, water, tortoise




Wan 3

The Earth tile signifies land and stability, a solid base that can be built upon. Or perhaps this base is already built and in fact thriving. In any case it represents security and self-sufficiency.