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Relationship Spread #2


This is a specified relationship spread that uses nine cards to analyse where a romantic relationship is at and where it is headed. The first card shows where it is at now, and can be considered the significator. The second and third cards determine where your partner stands and how it relates to where you are at personally.

Above the stem, the three-card base of the layout, a cup forms. Cards #4 and #5 show each person's desires, meaning what they want to get out of this coupling. Above this, Cards #6 and #7 show the challenge that this pairing presents to each individual. The final two cards at the top form the rim of the cup, symbolic of the taste of the relationship to each person, which shows how things will turn out on each side.

Spread Positions

  1. Your current state of mind
  2. Partner's position
  3. The nature of your issue
  4. Your desires
  5. Your partner's desires
  6. Your challenge
  7. Your partner's challenge
  8. Your outcome
  9. Your partner's outcome




Relationship Spread #2







Your Relationship #2 Reading

The Future Outcome (To be read in tandem with the card to the right)

5 of Hearts
The Future Outcome (To be read in tandem with the card to the left)

4 of Hearts
Challenges Which May Arise for You

9 of Diamonds
Challenges Which May Arise for Your Lover

3 of Clubs
Desires in Relation to Your Question

8 of Clubs
Your Lover's Desires

10 of Spades
Nature of Your Issue

8 of Spades
Your Lover's Current Position

King of Spades
The Current State of Things

10 of Hearts




The Current State of Things
10 of Hearts

This sign indicates pleasures fulfilled yet somehow incomplete. A brooding passion overflows beyond the limits some are willing to accept. Insatiability is indicated by the presence of this card.




Your Lover's Current Position
King of Spades

This represents a dark-haired man of great ambition. He is accustomed to success and usually gets what he wants. He is very active, skilful, and clever, but can also be deceitful. At worst, he may be a tyrant in waiting.




Nature of Your Issue
8 of Spades

Not being able to see the forest for the trees is the general vibe of this card – overlooking the most obvious details. Something or someone may have diverted your attention. This card embodies deception, interference, misdirection, deceit, jealousy and gossip. Division in all things is indicated.








Desires in Relation to Your Question
8 of Clubs

This card represents surprises that can suddenly appear out of nowhere. It symbolises explosive energy and suddenness. It can also suggest that meditation would be highly conductive at this time.




Your Lover's Desires
10 of Spades

This is regarded as probably the worst symbol in the deck of playing cards. This card means absolute rock bottom, a period of mental breakdown and insanity. There will be an end to misery once the walls of your delusion fall to ruins. On the bright side, there will be a moment of clarity leading to rebirth.





Challenges Which May Arise for You
9 of Diamonds

Material gains are heralded by this card. There will be an increase in resources through accomplishment or inheritance, or perhaps some other surprise. Business may pick up.








Challenges Which May Arise for Your Lover
3 of Clubs

Strong, enduring partnerships are indicated by the presence of this card. No matter which type of relationship this card refers to, it suggests a bond with great longevity.




The Future Outcome (To be read in tandem with the card to the right)
5 of Hearts

This card means dissatisfaction and disappointment. Expectations have not been lived up to. This state of mind indicates confusion and indecisiveness. This is also a card of jealousy. jealousy, inability to make a decision, disappointment




The Future Outcome (To be read in tandem with the card to the left)
4 of Hearts

Indulgence in luxury is represented by this sign. This is also a warning of the possibility of excess. You can party as hard as you like, just remember to know your limitations. Always be safe.