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Path Spread #2


The second Path spread is a seven-level design that yields insight to achieve a high level of personal and spiritual growth. The roots of the tree, shown in the first two cards, suggest what you need to learn and where the challenge lies. Growing upward, the next two cards are about the forces that guide you and what will help boost your growth. The next two cards show the lower branches of the tree, which provide warnings about what you need to let go of in order to maximise your progress. Finally at the top of the tree, we come to the outcome, showing where this growth process will ultimately lead.

Spread Positions

  1. What you need to learn
  2. Your challenge
  3. Your guiding card
  4. What will help you
  5. Warnings to heed
  6. What to let pass
  7. The outcome




Path Spread #2







Your Path #2 Reading

The End Result

The Sun
Warnings You Should Heed

The Birds
That Which You Should Let Pass

The Lilies
What Powers Will Help You

The Tree
Your Guiding Card

The Scythe
What You Need to Learn

The House
The Challenges Before You

The Lady




What You Need to Learn
The House

Stability, shelter, home life, family, and responsibility. The House also indicates success in creative projects.





The Challenges Before You
The Lady

The Lady represents you if you are a woman. All cards in your spread are interpreted by their distance to this card.

If you are a man this card represents a strong woman with good intent who will have a positive influence on you: a friend, wife, significant other, girlfriend, love. Could also indicate intuition, passiveness, instinct, or patience.





Your Guiding Card
The Scythe

This card indicates inner knowledge, but not really wisdom. Something that one does not understand by experience, but in theory. A warning to be careful, as something that happens quickly can bring much pain. This card indicates that you will reap the harvest of what you have sewn.









What Powers Will Help You
The Tree

The Tree is symbolic of life, health, nature, time, development, and awareness of one's place in the universe. If you do not live a healthy lifestyle already, the Tree indicates that you should become concerned about this and make changes to become healthier.





Warnings You Should Heed
The Birds

Meditation, fantasy, further education, also two older people, perhaps a couple. Butterflies and nervous excitement. The Birds may indicate social fear and subsequent flight.




That Which You Should Let Pass
The Lilies

Development of the soul, success, conscience, holiness, and learning to accept good traits and bad. The Lilies signify a happy period accomplishment.





The End Result
The Sun

Creation, brilliance, success, heat, positivity, happiness, will-power, aura, the absolute, the centre of attention. The Sun indicates great honours will be bestowed upon you.