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Astrology Layout


The Astrology layout yields insight into aspects of the current state of your life, reading into the planets' influence on your psyche.

As usual, this reading begins with the significator and ends with the outcome. Between the ends we analyse tiles which stand for the planetary influences, one by one. The Moon tile represents the influence of the home. Mercury shows the side of the intellect regarding one's interpersonal skills. Of course, Venus is the planet of love, and Mars is the planet of war. These two also represent the female and male energies respectively. The final two planets both relate to Mercury. Jupiter shows the financial side of business, regarding personal gains. Saturn represents the purely intellectual aspects of a person's life, or personal thoughts.

Layout Positions

  1. Your overall self (significator)
  2. The Moon - home
  3. Mercury - skills, business, and integrity
  4. Venus - love
  5. Mars - opposition and hostility
  6. Jupiter - finance and acquisition
  7. Saturn - intellect
  8. Outcome




Astrology Layout







Your Astrology Reading

Matters Concerning Hostility, Opposition and Aggression (The Tile of Mars)

Bamboo 3
Matters Concerning Business, Skills and Integrity (The Tile of Mercury)

Circles 3
Matters Concerning Love (The Tile of Venus)

East Wind

Matters Concerning Your Home (The Tile of the Moon)

Matters of Finance, Acquisition and Wealth (The Tile of Jupiter)

Wan 9

The Outcome

Circles 5
Matters of the Intellect (The Tile of Saturn)

Wan 8

Your Overall Self

Wan 4




Your Overall Self


Wan 4

The Lute suggests that it would be a great time to take a vacation. Relaxation and a temporary disconnection from the duties of everyday life would be especially beneficial at this time. If you can't get away too long, at least take a break and meditate. The clarity will surprise you.




Matters Concerning Your Home (The Tile of the Moon)



The harvest depends upon the effort you put in. The Farmer represents massive gains through hard work and dedication. It is a sign of self-sufficiency, abundance, and generosity.




Matters Concerning Business, Skills and Integrity (The Tile of Mercury)


Circles 3

The Phoenix is a sign of great splendour and good feelings. Reborn out of the ashes, this sign represents rebirth, new discoveries, awakenings, healings, regeneration, and epiphany. A powerful recovery is suggested.




Matters Concerning Love (The Tile of Venus)


East Wind

The East Wind tile represents you. Tiles adjacent to the East tile in a reading should be given added weight.

Green, spring, wood, dragon








Matters Concerning Hostility, Opposition and Aggression (The Tile of Mars)


Bamboo 3

The Toad represents an ugly time that cannot pass soon enough for you. However, you will get through these troubling times soon and all will be well. Be careful not to bite off more than you can chew.




Matters of Finance, Acquisition and Wealth (The Tile of Jupiter)


Wan 9

The Heaven tile signifies achievement, completion, and fulfilment. It suggests perfect contentment and a time you can be free to kick back and feast upon the fruits of your labours.




Matters of the Intellect (The Tile of Saturn)


Wan 8

The Knot tile stands for both tying and setting loose. If this tile appears in the reading with the Sword tile (2 Wan), it suggests that the time to sever your connection to someone or something has arrived. However, if the Duck tile (2 Bamboo) is in this reading, this indicates the strengthening of an existing bond.




The Outcome


Circles 5

The Dragon tile embodies good fortune. It tends to mean a massive and sudden gain not tied to any specific efforts made on your part. This tile suggests that a pleasant surprise may be right around the corner.