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Cross Layout


This easy-to-read four-card layout is one of the most useful of all the layouts. The first tile is the significator, and the last shows the outcome, provided that the advice given is followed. The advice is broken down into two tiles which can easily be compared and contrasted. Tile #2 suggests what to avoid, while #3 shows the path to take.

This layout can also be used to ask about the meaning of a tile from a previously executed layout that may have been unclear. In this usage, Tile #2 shows what it did not mean, while #3 clarifies the meaning.

Layout Positions

  1. It deals with this
  2. Avoid this
  3. Do this
  4. Outcome




Cross Layout







Your Cross Reading

  DO This

North Wind
It Deals with This

Wan 3
  Do NOT Do This

Bamboo 4
  It Leads to This





It Deals with This

Wan 3

The Earth tile signifies land and stability, a solid base that can be built upon. Or perhaps this base is already built and in fact thriving. In any case it represents security and self-sufficiency.




Do NOT Do This

Bamboo 4

The Carp signifies peace, contentment, tranquillity, and freedom from the pressures of everyday life. The tile's vibrant colours symbolise a gain of material and/or spiritual wealth.








DO This

North Wind

The North Wind tile warns that you may hit a rough patch in your journey. Be watchful and you can navigate this bump in the road without losing much. If the South Wind is also present, this tile will be nullified.

Black, winter, water, tortoise




It Leads to This


The Scholar represents the cultured mind, prudence, and spiritual development. Some think of this tile more specifically as Confucius. This is the sign of refinement of the intellect and the mastery of intellectually oriented tasks.