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Horse Shoe Layout #2


Similar to the Horse Shoe #1, this variant provides insight on different levels. The first two tiles begin the reading with the past and present, but then the tiles switch to a different focus. Tile #3 warns you about possible side effects that could accompany the future outcome, #7. The base tile, #4 shows desirable or undesirable actions to take concerning the issue. The external environment specifically means the people around you and how they feel about what you are up to. Things which could cause setbacks are indicated in Tile #6, another more specifically focused tile than what is generally labelled the obstacle or challenge tile in some other layouts.

Layout Positions

  1. Past Influences
  2. Present Influences
  3. Possible Consequences
  4. Something you should consider doing
  5. External Influences
  6. Possible Delays
  7. Possible Outcome




Horse Shoe Layout #2







Your Horse Shoe #2 Reading

Past Actions Effecting the Question

Wan 3
Possible Future Outcome

Circles 3
Present Actions Effecting the Question

Possible Delays

East Wind
Future Results You Should Consider

White Dragon
Feelings of Those Around You

Circles 9
Actions You Should Consider

Circles 7




Past Actions Effecting the Question
Wan 3

The Earth tile signifies land and stability, a solid base that can be built upon. Or perhaps this base is already built and in fact thriving. In any case it represents security and self-sufficiency.




Present Actions Effecting the Question

The Orchid represents refinement, luxury, and the attainment of rare and precious things. Enjoy these times, but be careful not to give it to excess.





Future Results You Should Consider
White Dragon

The White Dragon represents the unknown mysterious influences of the universe at work. Unknown factors may come into play, so be prepared for potential surprises.








Actions You Should Consider
Circles 7

The Insect represents gain in the short term. It suggests temporary work, small projects, and perhaps freelance. There will be short term gains, but don't rely upon this for too long. This is a transitional time when you should be planning for the future.




Feelings of Those Around You
Circles 9

The Unicorn means foresight and prophecy. It suggests a visionary with "psychic" abilities, one who is strongly connected to the spiritual source. It suggests the ability to quickly size up individuals and situations intuitively. A symbol of wisdom.




Possible Delays
East Wind

The East Wind tile represents you. Tiles adjacent to the East tile in a reading should be given added weight.

Green, spring, wood, dragon




Possible Future Outcome
Circles 3

The Phoenix is a sign of great splendour and good feelings. Reborn out of the ashes, this sign represents rebirth, new discoveries, awakenings, healings, regeneration, and epiphany. A powerful recovery is suggested.