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Astrology Layout


The Astrology layout yields insight into aspects of the current state of your life, reading into the planets' influence on your psyche.

As usual, this reading begins with the significator and ends with the outcome. Between the ends we analyse runes which stand for the planetary influences, one by one. The Moon rune represents the influence of the home. Mercury shows the side of the intellect regarding one's interpersonal skills. Of course, Venus is the planet of love, and Mars is the planet of war. These two also represent the female and male energies respectively. The final two planets both relate to Mercury. Jupiter shows the financial side of business, regarding personal gains. Saturn represents the purely intellectual aspects of a person's life, or personal thoughts.

Layout Positions

  1. Your overall self (significator)
  2. The Moon - home
  3. Mercury - skills, business, and integrity
  4. Venus - love
  5. Mars - opposition and hostility
  6. Jupiter - finance and acquisition
  7. Saturn - intellect
  8. Outcome




Astrology Layout







Your Astrology Reading

Matters Concerning Hostility, Opposition and Aggression (The Rune of Mars)

Matters Concerning Business, Skills and Integrity (The Rune of Mercury)

Matters Concerning Love (The Rune of Venus)


Matters Concerning Your Home (The Moon Rune)

Matters of Finance, Acquisition and Wealth (The Rune of Jupiter)


The Outcome

Matters of the Intellect (The Rune of Saturn)


Your Overall Self





Your Overall Self



The Ice Rune represents stagnation and a cold, passionless reality. Your life may seem to be going nowhere at the moment, but if you persevere you will soon see better days.




Matters Concerning Your Home (The Moon Rune)



Othala represents a fortress of prosperity and security. Good character attracts good fortune. Those who have it are the ones who get it. That's simply the way things are. You are fortunate to be one of the lucky ones. At the same time, we all make our own luck.




Matters Concerning Business, Skills and Integrity (The Rune of Mercury)



This is a sign of great joy and bliss. It often refers to tremendous satisfaction. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done. This is a symbol of incredible fortune and harmony with others.




Matters Concerning Love (The Rune of Venus)



This is often the omen of a transition or new beginning. Uruz represents the rune of harmony, order and personal power. You will be able meet the challenge so effectively that it may surprise you.








Matters Concerning Hostility, Opposition and Aggression (The Rune of Mars)



Eihwaz represents the Yew tree and its incredible strength and flexibility. While the Yew may bend, it does not break. It suggests that you are on the right course and have the strength and ability to meet your goals.




Matters of Finance, Acquisition and Wealth (The Rune of Jupiter)



This rune is about the thrill of the hunt. You have the power and stability to support and protect those near you. You have what it takes to maintain what you have built and reach your current goals.




Matters of the Intellect (The Rune of Saturn)



Ansuz represents one's spiritual connection the universe. Some call it the "God Rune," which embodies reason, truth and justice. This may be a sign of your connection to your higher self-strengthening.




The Outcome



Ingwaz signifies completion, success, agriculture and fertility. You are firing on all cylinders. You will soon be able to realise your ambitions. Unification, peace, and harmony are in the air.