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Horse Shoe Layout #2


Similar to the Horse Shoe #1, this variant provides insight on different levels. The first two runes begin the reading with the past and present, but then the runes switch to a different focus. Rune #3 warns you about possible side effects that could accompany the future outcome, #7. The base rune, #4 shows desirable or undesirable actions to take concerning the issue. The external environment specifically means the people around you and how they feel about what you are up to. Things which could cause setbacks are indicated in Rune #6, another more specifically focused rune than what is generally labelled the obstacle or challenge rune in some other layouts. as the people around you and how they feel about what you have going on here. Things that might come into play which could cause setbacks are indicated in Rune #6, another more specifically focused rune than what is generally labelled the Obstacle or Challenge rune in some other layouts.

Layout Positions

  1. Past Influences
  2. Present Influences
  3. Possible Consequences
  4. Something you should consider doing
  5. External Influences
  6. Possible Delays
  7. Possible Outcome




Horse Shoe Layout #2







Your Horse Shoe #2 Reading

Past Actions Effecting the Question

Possible Future Outcome

Present Actions Effecting the Question

Possible Delays

Future Results You Should Consider

Feelings of Those Around You

Actions You Should Consider





Past Actions Effecting the Question

This is often the omen of a transition or new beginning. Uruz represents the rune of harmony, order and personal power. You will be able meet the challenge so effectively that it may surprise you.




Present Actions Effecting the Question

The blank rune is used only in rune casts. Wyrd is not part of the runic alphabet. When this rune appears, it often symbolises a major change. If this rune is drawn in a single-rune cast, it suggests to ask this question again at a later time.





Future Results You Should Consider

A time of incredible clarity of purpose, knowledge, and creativity is coming soon. Pay attention to what people are saying, and you will notice special messages as if you've deciphered a secret code language.








Actions You Should Consider

This rune literally means "year" and stands for the harvest of a good year's labours. It represents a permanent change for the better. Jera denotes fruitful, recurring cycles, and strong fertility.




Feelings of Those Around You

Ingwaz signifies completion, success, agriculture and fertility. You are firing on all cylinders. You will soon be able to realise your ambitions. Unification, peace, and harmony are in the air.




Possible Delays

This is one of the mother stones – the rune of unbridled creative energies. Being associated with Frey, this Rune is a powerful omen of fertility. The presence of this rune in a reading only adds weight to its meaning.




Possible Future Outcome

The feminine rune stands for strong fertility, as in deep sensuality. Laguz represents the life cycle of water in its different forms – constant renewal and rebirth. Femininity and intuition.