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Path Layout #1


The Path #1 is laid out in a grid utilising two columns and three rows.

The first of the three rows shows rational or intellectual thoughts concerning the question. The second row is concerned with emotional attitudes, meaning feelings. The bottom row represents your posture or stance, meaning how you project yourself outwardly, to the world.

The left column shows how you currently think, feel, and act regarding your concern. The right column suggests advice on how to change your attitudes on these three levels to provide the most beneficial outcome. The trick is to compare and contrast the two columns, which gives hints as to what the runes mean and how to make changes, small or large.

Layout Positions

  1. Significator
  2. Your current attitude
  3. Your current feelings
  4. Your current posture
  5. Suggested posture
  6. Suggested feelings
  7. Suggested attitude




Path Layout #1







Your Path #1 Reading

  Current The Significator





The Significator


This is a sign of great joy and bliss. It often refers to tremendous satisfaction. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done. This is a symbol of incredible fortune and harmony with others.




Current Thoughts


The feminine rune stands for strong fertility, as in deep sensuality. Laguz represents the life cycle of water in its different forms – constant renewal and rebirth. Femininity and intuition.




Suggested Thoughts


The Sun Rune symbolises power, warmth, growth and stability. Mental clarity in work and added warmth to your relationships is foretold by this rune. You will be able to achieve your objectives boldly.




Current Emotions


Othala represents a fortress of prosperity and security. Good character attracts good fortune. Those who have it are the ones who get it. That's simply the way things are. You are fortunate to be one of the lucky ones. At the same time, we all make our own luck.








Suggested Emotions


You may be embarking on some type of journey soon, whether it be actually traveling to a new place or a spiritual journey. This journey represents a major change.




Current External Stance


This rune is about the thrill of the hunt. You have the power and stability to support and protect those near you. You have what it takes to maintain what you have built and reach your current goals.




Suggested External Stance


This rune warns to tread lightly. There may be friction in relationships and unmet needs. Sometimes hard lessons are necessary in life. Some things we just don't want to learn. Be careful not to burn your bridges.