This psychological layout shows a person about their own mind. It is meant to provide clarity so you have a better picture of what you want out of life. Runes #3 and #4 show similar ideas, the difference being that #3 is more about fun things, and #4 is more about ambitions and what you want to achieve.
Where You Are In Life Eihwaz |
Your Primary Thoughts Raidho |
What You Desire Ehwaz |
Your Goals Laguz |
Your Future Deeds Mannaz |
Eihwaz represents the Yew tree and its incredible strength and flexibility. While the Yew may bend, it does not break. It suggests that you are on the right course and have the strength and ability to meet your goals.
You may be embarking on some type of journey soon, whether it be actually traveling to a new place or a spiritual journey. This journey represents a major change.
The "Horse Rune" is a sign of adaptability, transition, movement and travels. You may be closing in on your goals. Most basically, this rune means progress.
The feminine rune stands for strong fertility, as in deep sensuality. Laguz represents the life cycle of water in its different forms – constant renewal and rebirth. Femininity and intuition.
Your interpersonal skills are experiencing a peak time. You are connected deeply with your core self and this by extension makes communication with others particularly valuable. Creative thought is flowing inside you and around you, making you especially attractive to others.