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Astrology Spread


The Astrology spread yields insight into aspects of the current state of your life, reading into the planets' influence on your psyche.

As usual, this reading begins with the significator and ends with the outcome. Between the ends we analyse cards which stand for the planetary influences, one by one. The Moon card represents the influence of the home. Mercury shows the side of the intellect regarding one's interpersonal skills. Of course, Venus is the planet of love, and Mars is the planet of war. These two also represent the female and male energies respectively. The final two planets both relate to Mercury. Jupiter shows the financial side of business, regarding personal gains. Saturn represents the purely intellectual aspects of a person's life, or personal thoughts.

Spread Positions

  1. Your overall self (significator)
  2. The Moon - home
  3. Mercury - skills, business, and integrity
  4. Venus - love
  5. Mars - opposition and hostility
  6. Jupiter - finance and acquisition
  7. Saturn - intellect
  8. Outcome




Astrology Spread







Your Astrology Reading

Matters Concerning Hostility, Opposition and Aggression (The Card of Mars)

9 of Pentacles
Matters Concerning Business, Skills and Integrity (The Card of Mercury)

Page of Cups
Matters Concerning Love (The Card of Venus)

9 of Swords

Matters Concerning Your Home (The Card of the Moon)

7 of Wands
Matters of Finance, Acquisition and Wealth (The Card of Jupiter)

Page of Pentacles

The Outcome

The Lovers
Matters of the Intellect (The Card of Saturn)

The Hanged Man

Your Overall Self

8 of Wands




Your Overall Self


8 of Wands

The card represents motion through the immovable – a flight of wands through an open country; but they draw to the term of their course. That which they signify is at hand; it may be even on the threshold.

Upright Meaning:

Activity in undertakings, the path of such activity, swiftness, a messenger; great haste, great hope, speed towards an end which promises assured felicity; generally, that which is on the move; the arrows of love.




Matters Concerning Your Home (The Card of the Moon)


7 of Wands

A young man on a craggy eminence brandishing a staff; six other staves are raised towards him from below.

Upright Meaning:

Valour, discussion, wordy strife, negotiations, war of trade, barter, competition. It is further a card of success, for the combatant is on the top and his enemies may be unable to reach him.




Matters Concerning Business, Skills and Integrity (The Card of Mercury)


Page of Cups

A fair, pleasing, somewhat effeminate page, of studious and intent aspect, contemplates a fish rising from a cup to look at him. It is the pictures of the mind taking form.

Upright Meaning:

Fair young man, one impelled to render service and with whom the Querent will be connected; a studious youth; news, message; application, reflection, meditation.




Matters Concerning Love (The Card of Venus)


9 of Swords

One seated on her couch in lamentation, with the swords over her. She is as one who knows no sorrow which is like unto hers. It is a card of utter desolation.

Reversed Meaning:

Imprisonment, suspicion, doubt, reasonable fear, shame, bad vibes, negativity, evil thoughts, despair.








Matters Concerning Hostility, Opposition and Aggression (The Card of Mars)


9 of Pentacles

A woman with a bird upon her wrist, stands amidst a great abundance of grapevines in the garden of a luxurious manorial house. Possibly it is her own possession and testifies to material well-being.

Reversed Meaning:

Roguery, deception, voided project, bad faith, insecurity, egotism, immodesty, self-centeredness, vanity, narcissism.




Matters of Finance, Acquisition and Wealth (The Card of Jupiter)


Page of Pentacles

A youthful figure, looking intently at the pentacle which hovers over his raised hands. He moves slowly, unaware of his surroundings.

Reversed Meaning:

Prodigality, dissipation, liberality, squandering luxury, bad news, misspending, waste, throw away, deplete, flush down the toilet.




Matters of the Intellect (The Card of Saturn)


The Hanged Man

A man hangs upside down from the Tau cross. This is a card of self-sacrifice and enlightenment.

Upright Meaning:

Wisdom, circumspection, discernment, trials, sacrifice, augury, prophecy, pause, reflection, ideas, imagination, meditation.




The Outcome


The Lovers

An angel unifies two lovers which are Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

Upright Meaning:

A choice, decision, attraction, love, beauty, trials overcome, happiness, fulfilment, romance, variety, pleasure.