This layout forms the shape of an arrow pointing upwards, symbolic of the focus of any ambitious, career-minded individual. The first card shows where you are currently at in your career. The second shows the challenge you will need to overcome on your way up the ladder of success. You can rely on your strengths, hinted at in Card #3 to help you along your way. Cards #4 and #5 show the Past and Future Influences that affect your journey. Finally, Card #6 shows the outcome of your efforts.
The Outcome Judgement |
Past Related Influences King of Swords |
Future Related Influences 5 of Pentacles |
Your Strengths 10 of Wands |
The Challenges Before You 6 of Cups |
Your Current Position 8 of Swords |
Your Current Position
A woman, blindfolded and bound, with the swords of the card around her. Yet it is rather a card of temporary endurance than of irretrievable bondage.
Upright Meaning:
Bad news, violent chagrin, crisis, censure, power in trammels, conflict, calumny, sickness, having one's hands tied, insanity.
Children in an old garden, their cups filled with flowers.
Upright Meaning:
Remembrances, looking back, as on childhood; happiness, enjoyment, but coming rather from the past; things that have vanished. Another reading reverses this, giving new relations, new knowledge, new environment, and then the children are disporting in an unfamiliar precinct.
A man oppressed by the weight of the ten staves which he is carrying.
Reversed Meaning:
Oppression, difficulties, intrigues, heavy-handedness, bad luck.
He sits in judgement, holding the unsheathed sword. He recalls the conventional symbol of justice in the Major Arcana, and he may represent this virtue, but he is rather the power of life and death.
Reversed Meaning:
Cruelty, perversity, barbarity, perfidy, bad intentions, a sharp tongue, insulting, insecurity, arrogance.
Two injured people in a snow storm pass a well-lit church.
Upright Meaning:
Material trouble, poverty, destitution, abjection, love without money, debt, famine, hardship, concordance, affinities, distress, bankruptcy.
An angel in the heavens blows a trumpet, calling the dead to rise from their graves.
Reversed Meaning:
Weakness, simplicity, deliberation, decision, sentence, lawsuit, loss, condemnation.