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Horse Shoe Spread #1


The seven-card Horse Shoe is a convenient, basic layout that can be used to answer different types of questions, especially concerning questions where insight would be helpful. Like several other spreads, it has cards representing the past, present, and future.

The pinnacle of the Horse Shoe, looking like the top of the mountain, shows the obstacle or challenge that needs to be addressed and overcome. Card #6 suggests a course of action to meet this challenge. The final card shows the outcome or future, should this advice be followed.

Other clues are provided in Cards #3 and #5, which indicate hidden or outside influences that come into play, affecting the journey to your goal.

Spread Positions

  1. Past Influences
  2. Present Influences
  3. Hidden Influences
  4. The Obstacle
  5. External Influences
  6. Suggested Course
  7. The Outcome




Horse Shoe Spread #1







Your Horse Shoe #1 Reading


Ace of Wands
Hidden Influences

8 of Wands
  External Influences

5 of Wands
The Present

6 of Pentacles

The Star
The Past

10 of Wands
  The Outcome

10 of Swords




The Past Card represents past events that are affecting the question.


10 of Wands

A man oppressed by the weight of the ten staves which he is carrying.

Upright Meaning:

Fortune, gain, success, false-seeming, disguise, perfidy. The rods that he carries may be bad news to the place he brings them. Success is stultified if the Nine of Swords follows.




The Present Card represents the current state or immediately approaching influence.


6 of Pentacles

A person in the guise of a merchant weighs money in a pair of scales and distributes it to the needy and distressed. It is a testimony to his own success in life, as well as to his goodness of heart.

Upright Meaning:

Presents, gifts, gratification, attention, vigilance, prudence, prosperity, generosity, aid, kindness.




Hidden Influences - Things that you may not be aware of, or barely be aware of.


8 of Wands

The card represents motion through the immovable – a flight of wands through an open country; but they draw to the term of their course. That which they signify is at hand; it may be even on the threshold.

Upright Meaning:

Activity in undertakings, the path of such activity, swiftness, a messenger; great haste, great hope, speed towards an end which promises assured felicity; generally, that which is on the move; the arrows of love.




Obstacle - This is the challenge.


Ace of Wands

A hand reaching out from a cloud grasps a stout wand or club.

Reversed Meaning:

Fall, decadence, ruin, perdition, to perish also a certain clouded joy.
A sign of birth.








External Influences - Attitudes about this situation from people around the querent.


5 of Wands

A posse of youths, who are brandishing staves, as if in sport or strife. It is mimic warfare.

Upright Meaning:

Imitation, as, for example, sham fight, strenuous competition, struggle, the search for fame and fortune, gold, gain, opulence.




Suggestion - The recommended course of action.�


The Star

Under the stars, a nude woman pours out two vials of water, one onto the land, the other into a pond. Opposite the angel of Temperance, her left foot is on the land, her right on the water.

Upright Meaning:

Youth, beauty, gifts, hope, bright prospects, ingenuity, genius, adept, mastery, gratitude, support, thanks, savvy.




The Outcome - What will happen if the suggestion is followed.


10 of Swords

A murder victim, pierced by ten swords showing the act of excessive force.

Reversed Meaning:

Advantage, profit, success, favour, power, authority, triumph over your enemies.