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Personal Growth Spread


This in-depth eight-card layout shows various aspects of your personal journey. It is good for exploring generalised personal questions, but can also be used to explore relationships if the couple is viewed as a whole.

This spread progresses through eight stages similar to the tarot deck's Major Arcana, beginning with birth and the realm of fertility. After birth comes the initial growth which leads to a period of adaptation, change, and re-balancing oneself. Once the process has grown enough, security comes into focus, as it is necessary to protect what has been earned. After this, once again growth is important, but concerning the mind and creativitity this time, leading to another phase of personal changes. Finally upon completion of the journey, the rewards become evident, and beyond that, one's spiritual development level will have noticeably risen.

Spread Positions

  1. Beginnings, fertility, and birth
  2. Growth, flow, and energy
  3. Changes, polarities, and balance
  4. Protection and defense
  5. Learning, art, and creativity
  6. Change and metamorphosis
  7. Completion, rewards, and luck
  8. Inner strength and spiritual guidance




Personal Growth Reading







Your Personal Growth Reading

Matters of Completion, Rewards and Luck.

Knight of Wands
Matters of Change and Metamorphosis.

Knight of Cups
Matters of Inner Strength and Spiritual Guidance.

Ace of Swords
Matters of Learning, Art and Creativity.

The Hanged Man
Matters of Beginnings, fertility and birth.

9 of Cups
Matters of Protection and Defense.

The Fool
Matters of Growth, Flow and Energy.

The Empress
Matters of Changes, Polarities and Balance.

Ace of Pentacles




Matters of Beginnings, fertility and birth.
9 of Cups

A goodly personage has feasted to his heart's content, and abundant refreshment of wine is on the arched counter behind him, seeming to indicate that the future is also assured. The picture offers the material side only, but there are other aspects.

Upright Meaning:

Concord, contentment, physical ,; also, victory, success, advantage; satisfaction for the Querent or person for whom the consultation is made.




Matters of Growth, Flow and Energy.
The Empress

Seated on her throne, the Empress holds up the golden sceptre. She represents the archetypal female.

Upright Meaning:

Fertility, pregnancy, motherly instincts, fruitfulness, compassion, diplomacy, public rejoicings, jubilation.




Matters of Changes, Polarities and Balance.
Ace of Pentacles

A hand reaching out from a cloud holds up a pentacle.

Reversed Meaning:

The negative side of wealth, malicious intelligence; also great riches, prosperity, comfortable material conditions, but this is to your disadvantage when the card appears reversed.




Matters of Protection and Defense.
The Fool

A watchdog warns a foolish youth that he is about to carelessly walk off a cliff. The Fool seems totally ignorant of his surrounding and the danger he is in.

Upright Meaning:

Folly, mania, extravagance, delirium, frenzy, intoxication, bewrayment, going nuts, inexperience, pettiness, immaturity, idiocy.








Matters of Learning, Art and Creativity.
The Hanged Man

A man hangs upside down from the Tau cross. This is a card of self-sacrifice and enlightenment.

Reversed Meaning:

Selfishness, the crowd, politics, corruption, self-deception, misunderstanding, ignorance, denseness, blindness.




Matters of Change and Metamorphosis.
Knight of Cups

Graceful, but not warlike; riding quietly, wearing a winged helmet, referring to those higher graces of the imagination which sometimes characterise this card. He too is a dreamer, but the images of the side of sense haunt him in his vision.

Reversed Meaning:

Trickery, artifice, subtlety, swindling, duplicity, fraud.




Matters of Completion, Rewards and Luck.
Knight of Wands

A man on a journey, armed with a short wand, and although armoured it is not on an errand of war. He is passing mounds or pyramids. The motion of the horse is a key to the character of its rider, suggesting his mission.

Upright Meaning:

Departure, absence, flight, emigration. A dark young man, friendly. Change of residence.




Matters of Inner Strength and Spiritual Guidance.
Ace of Swords

A hand reaches out from a cloud, grasping a sword, the point of which is encircled by a crown.

Reversed Meaning:

Conception, childbirth, augmentation, multiplicity, creativity.