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Relationship Spread #1


This is a wonderful specialty layout for analysing a relationship on three levels: intellectual or rational thoughts, emotional attitudes or feelings, and postures: meaning the way each person acts in regards to the relationship.

The first card is the significator, meaning the overall personality of the relationship as a whole. On either side of the significator are two columns. The columns show how each person relates to the other on the three levels described above.

Spread Positions

  1. Relationship Significator
  2. Your Partner's Thoughts
  3. Your Partner's Feelings
  4. Your Partner's Posture
  5. Your Posture
  6. Your Feelings
  7. Your Thoughts




Relationship Spread #1







Your Relationship #1 Reading

  You   Other Person
3 of Cups
3 of Pentacles
5 of Pentacles
The Significator

Knight of Swords
10 of Pentacles
The Star
Ace of Pentacles




The Significator

Knight of Swords

He is riding in full course, as if scattering his enemies. In the design he is really a prototypical hero of romantic chivalry. He might even be Galahad, whose sword is swift and sure because he is clean of heart.

Upright Meaning:

Skill, bravery, capacity, defence, address, enmity, wrath, war, destruction, opposition, resistance.




The Querent's Thoughts

3 of Cups

Maidens in a garden-ground with cups uplifted, as if pledging one another.

Upright Meaning:

The conclusion of the matter in plenty, perfection and merriment; happy issue, victory, fulfilment, solace, healing.




The Other Person's Thoughts

3 of Pentacles

A sculptor at his work in a monastery. Compare the design which illustrates the Eight of Pentacles. The apprentice or amateur therein has received his reward and is now at work in earnest.

Upright Meaning:

Artifice, trade, skilled labour; regarded as a card of nobility, aristocracy, renown, glory.








The Querent's Emotions

5 of Pentacles

Two injured people in a snow storm pass a well-lit church.

Upright Meaning:

Material trouble, poverty, destitution, abjection, love without money, debt, famine, hardship, concordance, affinities, distress, bankruptcy.




The Other Person's Emotions

10 of Pentacles

A man and woman beneath an archway which gives entrance to a house. They are accompanied by a child, who admires two dogs accosting an old man sitting on the porch. The child is petting one of them.

Reversed Meaning:

Chance, loss, robbery, risk, danger, hindrance, emergency, villain, struggle, dilemma, nuisance, mischief, fiend.




The Querent's External Stance

The Star

Under the stars, a nude woman pours out two vials of water, one onto the land, the other into a pond. Opposite the angel of Temperance, her left foot is on the land, her right on the water.

Reversed Meaning:

Arrogance, haughtiness, impotence, conceit, pomposity, pride, pretention, sterility, inefficiency, vanity.




The Other Person's External Stance

Ace of Pentacles

A hand reaching out from a cloud holds up a pentacle.

Upright Meaning:

Perfect contentment, felicity, ecstasy, sharpness, intelligence, a quick wit, gold.